The Baby Kline Story by Morgan Kline

Pregnancy is the worst secret to keep! For weeks I had a “secret” that was consuming my mind on a daily basis. I battled through many days of showing the outside world that nothing was different about me, when in all reality I wanted to shout it out that I was going to have a baby to explain the exhausted look on my face 99% of the time! Since we found out pretty early, I felt like I had to wait forever to share my news. Now, I finally feel great and am ready to share all my pregnancy updates with you and hope to inspire those who haven’t experienced pregnancy yet!

  • How far along: 13 weeks
  • Size of Baby Kline: Peach
  • Weight Gain: 3 pounds
  • Food Cravings: Almond Butter & Jelly on Ezekiel Toast, any fruit
  • Food Aversions: Meat
  • Guesses of Sex: Boy (Morgan)

The story of finding out we were going to be parents….

Devan and I were getting ready to spend a long weekend in Naples, Fl to visit my sister, brother-in-law and adorable niece. My parents were also heading down from Michigan to spend Father’s Day as a family, which is rare and such a blessing when we all are together.

Before heading to Naples we got a news appearance in Tampa, FL which is about 2 hours from my sister. I remember sending my sister a text telling her that I was bloated, 5 days late, and not looking forward to being in my bathing suit. She responded back saying “Preggers?” I of course did not consider that thought and told her no I am sure I would start any day now. Being the big sister that she is, she talks me into taking a pregnancy test before the weekend of festivities started. At first I ignored her but the thought stuck in my mind for the rest of the morning. So, as Devan and I headed from Tampa to Naples I couldn’t wait any longer and told him to stop at a Publix so I could go buy a pregnancy test. Yes- I took a pregnancy test in a Publix bathroom!!!! I carried the pee stick out of the grocery store without looking at the results. I got back into the car with Devan and opened it. Not Pregnant.

Just what I thought! Not pregnant and I would get my period any day, after all I was showing normal signs of starting soon! I told Devan (and my sister), that I would take the second test that I bought first thing in the morning just to be 100% sure.

So here we are, the next morning. I wake up first thing and grab the test, head to the bathroom, which my sister was also using to brush her teeth. I do my thing, set the test on the bathroom counter and wait. And wait. And wait. Digital Tests take wayyyyy too long come back. Finally I got so impatient that I walked out and grabbed something from the kitchen. That’s when I hear my sister say “Morg, it says something”. I will never forget the tone in her voice because I knew exactly what it meant! Pregnant.

Holy Crap!!! I’m pregnant. I am going to be a Mom. How am I going to tell Devan? Why was it negative yesterday? It was all the emotions you could imagine running through my head in a span of 1 minute while my sister can barely contain her excitement J

Of course vacation mode Devan was still snoozing in the other room and I had NO idea how to tell him. You definitely go through life thinking you would tell your husband in such a sweet, story-telling way that he is going to be a dad. Well, not me. I woke him up from his deep sleep and showed him the test. His reaction was better than mine. So excited and pumped that we made a baby. His words shortly after were “We got this, babe” which of course set my mind at ease knowing he was right, we “got this”.

The weekend couldn’t have been better, my parents flew in later that day and I was able to tell them in person that they would be grandparents again. Completely shocked they both cried tears of joy and haven’t stopped talking about it since.

How I felt the first 12 weeks…

As soon as we returned from our trip, I set up an appointment to see my doctor at what we thought would be my 8 week mark. I still had not had any symptoms but the missed period (and about another $150 in positive pregnancy tests!) We headed to the doctor and I was given my first ultrasound. We saw the heart-beat flicker that confirmed I had a baby in there, but I was measuring at 6 weeks so they set me up for another appointment at 8 weeks. The day after this appointment we left for our 1 year anniversary to the Bahamas. Let’s just say that the morning sickness hit it that same day.

Week 6-Week 11 I was extremely nauseous, tired, and lacked motivation to do just about anything. Other than training my 5 camps a day, I had little to no energy to do much else. It was such a discouraging feeling going from working 13 hours a day to not being able to do much after 5 hours of work. I was constantly feeling guilty that I was laying in bed at home while Devan was working. Another big struggle I had in my first 12 weeks was working out. Again, I used all my energy to train my clients each day and often couldn’t find the strength to do my own workout. When I did, I lost my breathe quickly, felt sick, and just didn’t have it in my to keep the intensity up. As a trainer, I love working out and find it as a huge stress reliever. I had to be constantly reminded that I was creating a human and my body needed rest!

My Tips for Nausea

  • Eat frequently
  • Eat the foods that your body is craving, and yes that might mean more carbs
  • Rest (Take naps and get a good 7-8 hours of sleep at night)
  • Drink lots of water
  • Supplement (more in this later!)



The Belly Update…


A growing belly is one of the amazing things that I have experienced about pregnancy so far; a daily reminder that I am creating a human and have been blessed to have this opportunity to carry my child. Sure, there have been days where I don’t feel pretty and nothing seems to fit me well but I’m trying to embrace all of the changes going on in my body and when I do get down about it.

In week 14, I have gained 3 pounds (when I weigh in the morning), and my belly has grown about 3 ½ inches.


My Favorite Products…

Pre-Natal Vitamin
Shaklee Vitalizer, which I have been taking for almost 4 years now. Most all over-the-counter pre-natal vitamins are synthetic. Synthetic vitamins are not living and therefore have zero intelligence. For example, when you eat real food, it knows how to make it’s way through the body, dividing up the usable parts and eliminating the waste. Synthetic vitamins (like drugs) cannot do this. They are toxic to the body. Shaklee vitamins are sourced from a whole, real food! The vitalizer has all the recommend nutrients for pregnant women plus some!

Shaklee 180 Protein
For about 4 weeks, I wanted nothing to do with meat. The look and smell of it made me sick, but I knew how important protein is, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. My baby is developing so quickly and all of his/her cells come from what I put in my body, so I knew I had to give it all the proper nutrients.

Belli Belly-Oil
Loaded with vitamin E, Gotu Lola, and Lavendar Oil to protect my stretching skin! I got this oil from a friend and use it daily. The smell is super soothing and keeps my body moisturized without any artificial ingredients, parabens and phthalates.


That’s all for now! I’d love to hear from you guys, what was your favorite thing about the first trimester of your pregnancy?




Next Blog: 16 week update, Nutrition during Pregnancy, Pregnancy Workout!

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