BBC Top 10 Exercises PART 2

Exercises 5, 6 & 7  Coming Straight To You From Wilmington

We decided to take our next 3 top exercises outside this time – water front in Wilmington, NC. CEO and Founder of Burn Boot Camp, Devan Kline and fellow fitness expert, Ashley Beasley show us how to take our workouts outdoors for a change in scenery.

Taking Our Exercises To The Next Level

As you saw before in our Part 1, there are modifications up and down for each of the exercises. Devan and Ashley walk us through a series of exercises to target our full body! All of these exercises can be done without weight – take it to the beach, the park or your backyard.


Push-Up – Ashley shows us plenty of variations that can challenge us during camp.

Sprints – Devan sprints down the boardwalk showing the correct form and how to be explosive – safely, of course.

V-Up – Ashley walks us through the motions on how to work our way up to a V-Up.


Next time you’re in camp, challenge yourself when it comes to our Top 10 exercises. You’re sure to get stronger!

We still have 3 more exercises left in our Top 10! You don’t want to miss them. Tune in to Burn TV Live every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 pm.


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