Beth Pickley Burn Bootcamp Concord Weight Loss Story

Beth Pickley Burn Bootcamp Concord Weight Loss Story started with the goal to lose weight and trainer Mike Hartshorne has shown her there is so much more to health than a number on the scale.  We are so proud of Beth’s success!  She embodies our FitMom philosophy and is a huge inspiration to all!

Read the full Beth Pickley Burn Bootcamp Concord Weight Loss Story here:

“Always behind the camera…that was me. I was very unhappy with my appearance and didn’t want to see myself in photos. My self-confidence was at an all-time low. I knew I had to make a change. I did some searching for a bootcamp or cross-fit type program, having been introduced to it while visiting a friend in Georgia. One day, I stumbled upon Burn Bootcamp Concord on Facebook and decided to give it a try. I knew it would take discipline since the only time that would work regularly with my schedule was 5:00 a.m. I’ve now been going strong for six months, typically six days a week and I feel great (except at 9:00 p.m. when I can barely keep my eyes open). The change in my body has been remarkable. My goal in starting Burn Bootcamp was to lose weight, but it’s given me so much more including muscle tone like I’ve never experienced, the opportunity to learn about nutrition and some wonderful friends taking this journey with me.

I have a 14 year old son who has been so impressed with my progress, even bragging about ‘his’ mom’s arm muscles and abs. My friends and family have been incredibly supportive and complimentary of my transformation.

I would have never dreamed the impact Burn Bootcamp Concord would make when I started six months ago. BBC Concord’s trainer, Mike Hartshorne, is amazing…always pushing me harder and challenging me more. He takes time to answer my questions and is full of words of encouragement. Mike is always saying, “Change happens at the end of your comfort zone.” He certainly got me out of mine with fantastic results that I could have never imagined.”

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