Fit Moms 16 Week Body Transformation Contest (MamaBurst™ Preview Video)

The Fit Moms 16 Week Body Transformation Contest is finally here! 

The word is quickly spreading about the brand new transformation contest! E-mails from Fit Moms Forever followers across the nation are coming in one after another asking me questions about my brand new online training program MamaBurst™. I have been answering questions for almost two days straight on how the MamaBurst™ program will work, so I thought I would give you the low down!

What is MamaBurst™?
If you ask any mom who has been a client of mine they will tell you about my excitement and sincere passion for helping moms reach their goals not only in fitness, but in life. I have over 150 moms in my boot camp program, Burn Boot Camp – Lake Norman’s Fit Community of Moms. They know that my goal is to reach out to 1 million moms and positively influence their lives through the gateway of health, motivation, and support. Myself and the BBC (Burn Boot Camp) Moms have created a culture of helping moms put themselves first and call something their own, that is what MamaBurst™ is all about.

This all-in-one online program includes online personal training videos posted each week, personalized nutrition plan, grocery lists, accountability logs and unlimited motivation and support to assist moms in achieving their weight-loss and fitness goals. MamaBurst™ is a specific style of training, fittingly called “Burst Training”. Each MamaBurst™ video will feature myself, and a variety of Burn Boot Camp Moms demonstrating exercises. The 20-30 minute training video will be like having me right in your home training you one-on-one!

And don’t worry motivation, encouragement, accountability, and support…it is sort of my thing 🙂

Seriously, I’ll call your house and make sure you get your Bursting in and your eating clean! I want you to succeed so you can set a good example for your children as well as reach out to other moms who think it “can’t be done”. Together we will change your live and change the lives of those around us!

How to Enter the Contest

The contest starts Monday, August 6th, 2012 and ends the day before Thanksgiving! Go into the holidays with the new you! Imagine seeing all your friends and family you haven’t seen in the past year and how they will be amazed at your transformation! The deadline to enter the contest is Sunday, August 5th at 8 pm. Click here to find out how to be eligible to enter and to check out the points system that is based on physical and emotional results.

There are three ways to enter the contest:

To find out more about/sign up for MamaBurst™ click the link below:

MamaBurst™ – “America’s Fit Community of Moms”

To find out more about/ sign up for Burn Boot Camp™  click the link below:

Burn Boot Camp™ – “Lake Norman’s Fit Community of Moms”

To download the FREE Fit Moms Forever 16 Week Body Transformation Guide and use it on your own click the link below:


Did I mention that first place wins $2,000 and a free year of MamaBurst™ or Burn Boot Camp™?

Or that the runner up gets a free year of MamaBurst™?

For Full Details Visit the Contest Site at:


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