Unanswered Questions

Lately, I have been diving deep into a lot of in depth reading material! From the 1,000+ question exam I will pass to earn my CNC, to every business audiobook I can find…  much of my free time has been spent trying improve my mental and physical capabilities. There is always room for improvement!

As I was running 6 miles last night listening to Tony Robbins – Business Mastery on YouTube – he revealed the single most comprehensive way to solve any problem in your life. This tip was such a huge motivator for me; so I decided to share it with you!

As Tony always says, you have to be in the right “state” of mind in every situation! Are you ready?

If you’re in a great mood and ready to think positive about the world, keep reading!

If today isn’t your best day, do something to change the physiological state of your body RIGHT NOW! The thoughts that run through your head continually influence your perspective and feelings towards life in general. Don’t let those thoughts get in the way of your successes! Don’t believe me? Try this tip…

Tip: If you need to dramatically change your mood in just minutes, ask yourself these three questions…

  • What are you REALLY grateful for?
  • What makes you extremely proud of yourself?
  • Who do you love unconditionally?
  • Think about these three things with laser focus and watch how quickly your mood can change from sleepy, unmotivated, lethargic… to happy and excited for your day to day life!

The key to solving any problem is realizing that problems don’t really exist. I know that sounds crazy! The term “problem” really means you simply don’t have an answer to something.

Think about it, all problems are really just unanswered questions. The key to intelligent problem solving is figuring out what questions you need to ask yourself and how those questions are going to lead to positive results.

Follow me?

Tony created a system that I’ve have used with my “problems” as well as my clients “problems”. It has helped me change my perspective on life and has always aided me in facing various obstacles that I stress about day to day or long term.

There is a CURE to changing your life and making it stress free. When you ask yourself the right questions, you’ll change your perspective on life. I know this may seem kinda deep, but Tony provided an easy system for us to start implementing this method as soon as possible.

So whether you struggle with nutrition, work, home life, kids, or anything else life throws your way, realize that every situation is a blessing. Your problem gives you an opportunity to find answers, certainty, and truth if you ask the right questions. Problems aren’t burdens that you carry; they are a necessary part of life that shape who you are!

Robbin’s Problem Solving Method

It’s important to know that 5% of your time should be spent asking the question, or problem (How can I lose weight? What do I need to change to see results? Etc) and 95% of your time should be spent answering the question to the problem (AKA: Figuring out the solution).

So whatever problem you’re facing in life, ask the following questions to yourself. Take the time to step away with pen and paper. For each of the following questions, provide four thorough answers. It is key to trust this process and enjoy working through each problem, knowing you’re going to eventually end up with the answer you’re looking for.

What makes this great?

You’ll probably say, “Nothing is great about this”… but you have to give yourself four valid reasons why this problem you’re facing is great. It could be that you learned something or discovered a new opportunity. Think of all of the ways that you are blessed and how this problem is not going to rid you of those blessings!

What’s not perfect yet?

Don’t focus on what’s “wrong” – Focus on what isn’t you need to change about this situation to make it perfect.

What are you willing to do to solve it? What are you not willing to do?

Be honest! What are you willing to do? How are you willing to step up? What are you absolutely not willing to do anymore? How are you no longer willing to feel? Give four valid feelings or things you will absolutely start doing or stop doing right now.

How can you enjoy the process of solving your problem?

Now that you have a game plan, how can you truly enjoy the process? What are you going to do to make the most of this situation?


Isn’t that pretty easy? It is a simple tool to make yourself a better problem solver! By going through this exercise with any perceived problem you will be asking yourself the right questions to reveal a clear and consistent answer.

The best part is, when YOU write it or say it, it has to be true. If someone else tells you how to solve it, you can doubt them. There is no denying the truth when it comes from your own thoughts and words.

I hope you take a moment to write this down, and really use this in your life. Remember, you must be in the right state of mind or this won’t work as well. You have the power to change your life! Now get to work!


Keep Moving,
Devan Kline

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