Be A Goal Digger LIVE from Fort Mill - Burn Boot Camp
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Be A Goal Digger LIVE from Fort Mill

August 15, 2016

Don’t “Go Big or Go Home” Just Yet

The phrase, “Go Big or Go Home,” is a great one to abide by in most cases. But, when beginning a new walk of life into becoming a healthier you, the key is to start small. The reason behind starting small is to keep up momentum by reaching goal after goal.

Someone who says, “I want to lose 250 pounds in a month,” might feel more overwhelmed and less motivated than someone who says, “I’m going to lift the 20lbs Dumbbells today.”

Ready, Set, Goal!

Ryne Robinson, Head Trainer at Burn Boot Camp Fort Mill walks us through ways we can set (and reach) manageable goals for ourselves. He shares his own story with us and how these goal setting rules fueled his determination to crush his goals. By setting goals, he held himself accountable each day.

The Rules

  1. Set manageable, but challenging goals – be sure that your goals are reachable, but are making you better, faster and stronger. 
  2. Make an active list daily, weekly and monthly – plan ahead and check it off as you go by making it to camp and prepping healthy meals (i.e. no excuses!)
  3. Don’t worry about outside influences – you are your own person, don’t allow negativity to stifle your ability to reach your goal. 
  4. Tell yourself, “I can” – you can do anything you put your mind to. 
  5. Motivate yourself and others – by giving a high-five, you help others reach their goals.

Ask yourself, “Did you get better today?” If you did, keep challenging yourself each and every day. If you didn’t, move in a different direction towards your goal.

Tune into Burn TV LIVE every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 pm.

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