Couple Goals: Building Strength at Burn Boot Camp - Burn Boot Camp
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Couple Goals: Building Strength at Burn Boot Camp

February 2, 2024

Before trying Burn Boot Camp, Vince would often ask his wife, Chantel, to workout with him at his gym. “He’s always wanted me to work out with him. It was like pulling teeth to get me to go with him,” she recalled. Vince would create programs and routines for her to follow, but whether it was not having the weight training foundation, or the exercises simply not aligning with her goals, Chantel felt like their time at the gym just wasn’t working.  

This all changed when one of their friends, who was also a Burn Boot Camp Trainer, invited them to try a Camp that she was leading. Vince and Chantel both quickly fell in love with the style of Camp and how they could do the same workout, but always feel challenged even though they were at different places in their fitness journey. Chantel mentions enjoying the ability to adjust the exercise to fit the level she’s at, “Coming to Burn, it’s been easier because we’re all doing the same things and we’re able to exert our energy in the ways that we both want to.”  

Central to Chantel and Vince’s Burn experience is the power of community, a theme that echoes in every workout and interaction. Beyond the physical and mental transformations, it’s the friendships and accountability within Burn Boot Camp that keeps the couple committed. “The community’s huge. It’s so unexpected to have found actual friends at the gym. It’s not just about getting your workout done and leaving. It’s a big part of why we continue to come,” Vince said about the relationships he’s made throughout his time at Burn.  

The impact of Burn ripples into Chantel and Vince’s personal lives, influencing their approach to nutrition and fostering deep connections. Burn Boot Camp emerges as more than a gym; it’s a transformative community where Chantel and Vince found people to not only push and challenge them, but also be there for support. 

Read our full interview with Chantel and Vince below to learn more about their story and the impact that Burn Boot Camp has had on their connection as a couple. 

What is it like being able to work out together? 

Chantel: Originally before we came to Burn, we didn’t do a good job together because we workout so differently. Coming to Burn, it’s been easier because we’re all doing the same things and we’re able to exert our energy in the ways that we both want to. We’re both able to individually push ourselves because I just can never match what he’s doing. He’s on a whole different level, so it’s nice to be able to come here to workout. Sometimes we’re partners, sometimes we’re not. But either way, at the end of the day, we just got a good workout and we’re both happy and then we leave feeling better.  

Vince: Previously, I would always try to program her workout. Whether it was not having that foundational lifting experience or not aligning with her goals from a workout perspective, it wasn’t working. For Burn, we can both come into Camp, and I know I’m probably going to mod-up if there’s an option to mod-up, because I feel pushed in that sense. And I know for her, which has benefited us well, is she can push herself in the way she wants. Not in the way that I think I should be pushing her.  

Chantel: Also, having the Trainers at Burn is great. I can explain to them where I’m at, where I feel like I need to be pushed or where I’m like lacking a little bit and they can help me. Now I can mod up in ways that I can, or I can just take the workout as it is. 

What is something that surprised you about Burn Boot Camp? 

Vince: For me, the benefit that was unexpected after coming to Burn Boot Camp has been my overall athleticism. I grew up playing sports and I played college lacrosse, and the one thing that I missed was having that athletic foundation. There’s been an overall improvement in my athleticism and my body feels healthy and great. 

Chantel: I think the community is a big one for me just because you can go to any kind of gym and leave, and you don’t have a bunch of people hanging out and talking. Meeting people and becoming friends with them has been surprising. I wasn’t expecting it. Also, the different types of workouts and learning to love those challenging workouts. Just that growth. 

Vince: The community’s huge. It’s so unexpected to have found actual friends at the gym. It’s not just about getting your workout done and leaving. It’s just a big part of why we continue to come.  

Chantel: I love it when you’re in it and it’s a really tough day, and then you’re able to high five someone else that’s struggling, or you see someone who’s maybe struggling more than you and you give them a high five. It’s nice to bring each other up because we’re all at different levels, regardless of our athleticism. I think friendships, pushing each other, and celebrating each other’s successes have been another level. 

Vince: We consistently come to the 6:30 AM Camp, so we have the same people for the most part that go to that workout. Everyone’s progression is motivating personally, and I think as a group setting too. 

How has Burn Boot Camp brought you closer together? 

Chantel: I think the gym has always been one of those things that’s very much Vince’s playing field. He’s always wanted me to work out with him, but during our workouts before I was like, “I’m not doing that.” It was like pulling teeth to get me to go with him. When we started coming here, it was different because of the community, and because the workouts are always different, and they keep you interested. I think that really helps. And I think it’s cool to see each other grow.  

Vince: Yeah, it is. Also, I would say with the community, we come to the gym and leave the gym together, but we’ve also found comfort in the fact that we can have partners each day that are different, and we’re not always partners. That is cool too, because it adds another layer to the community aspect and the ability to be together, but also separate.  

What are some things you’ve been able to achieve because of Burn Boot Camp? 

Chantel: I personally had some fitness goals that I’ve achieved here that I wasn’t sure if I ever would. I’ve always had an imbalance in strengths in my legs. Outside of Burn, I’ve also been doing physical therapy. This was the starting point for me to really take it seriously for the first time. Through Burn and through physical therapy, I’ve been able to finally start to equal out that imbalance. The first time I was able to step up on a box jump, I remember finally being like, “Oh my gosh, I did it!” That was really cool. That was a multi-year challenge that I was finally able to accomplish.  

Vince: It’s a great feeling to have completed a Camp. For me, whether it’s a 6:30 AM workout or if we happen to sleep in a little bit and go to an afternoon Camp, it just sets you up for having an awesome day because you’ve eaten the frog first thing in the morning and now you can take on the day with whatever other challenges come your way. At the end of the day, if you’ve had a not so hot day and you push through that mental barrier of having to show up to the gym and then you go crush a workout that is super hard, especially on a cardio day, you feel like, “Okay, I can rest easy knowing that maybe the day didn’t go totally as planned, but I got this workout in and I can take pride in that.” 

Chantel: I think it feels really, really good. When you’re in it, it’s really, really hard and obviously it feels bad, but then once you’re finished, you have that final breath of just like, “Okay, we did that.” You’re catching up from it and it feels so good. The rest of your day is just going to be easy from there and you already did the hard thing. You feel good about yourself, you feel like you’ve been challenged, and then now you get to have an easy day from there on. And also, it feels good for your body. You’re just happy on all sorts of levels. 

What sets Burn Boot Camp’s Trainers apart? 

Chantel: There are a few things. Our Trainers come up to you and kind of force you to keep going and push you past where you think you can go. And then, looking around and seeing people of all ages, sizes, experiences. That is where you look over and you’re like, “There’s no way I should stop now.” You’re inspired by other people, so that kind of keeps you going. Sometimes you have tougher days and you’re like, “I don’t know if I can,” but being able to see other people in your Camp that you’ve seen starting from point A and they’re now at point Z is really cool. It’s like another push to keep you going. 

Vince: It’s been awesome to have Trainers that give you one-on-one attention in that group setting. I’ve been to other group fitness classes or gyms where a lot of people just don’t have that foundational training, and it could increase the potential of someone getting hurt. That was one thing I was not so much worried about with Chantel, but one thing I was kind of aware of is that I wanted her to feel comfortable doing the exercises. With Gabby, Leslie, Lindsay, Hannah, and all our other Trainers, they really do make it a point with Chantel or other people that may not have that foundation of being in a group class or with the exercises that we do, to correct form and to keep an eye out with certain people. Even personally, just hearing my name get called out in Camp, I’m like, “Oh man, I’ve got to turn the burners on and get after it.” It gives that element of a coach type feel. Which again, it just feels more so like I’m training for a sport or training for something rather than just showing up and doing a workout. It’s honestly been one of the biggest motivators for me coming to Burn. 

Chantel: With the Trainers, they don’t only feel like coaches. They also take Camps with us sometimes, so they feel just part of it with us. Sometimes they’re next to you, sometimes you’re with them, which is way harder because their levels are insane. Sometimes they’re training us, and, like Vince said, they’re calling your name out, they’re modding you up because they know you can, but maybe you don’t know you can, and they’re coming up to you or calling on you from across the room. Regardless, they’re keeping an eye on the room and making sure that you’re doing things right. It also feels like a little bit like a friendship, too. It just full circles a little bit with them. 

What is your favorite thing about Burn Boot Camp? 

Chantel: I would have to honestly say that my favorite thing about Burn is the community because it keeps me coming back and keeps me honest. 

Vince: That’s my favorite thing, too. Community. It’s so unexpected to have met people that we now hang out with outside of the gym. The conversation isn’t even about the gym when we’re here or when we’re hanging out. It’s not just a surface-level relationship, either. We’ve been able to gain deep friendships from the gym, which is kind of crazy. 

Chantel: I feel like there’s never a time where we’re not keeping each other accountable, like saying, “We’ll see you tomorrow, right?” 

What’s your favorite Protocol? 

Chantel: I like a few Protocols, but I would say that right now my favorite is core and conditioning. Recently, surprisingly to me, speed and agility has become a favorite. 

Vince: My favorite would have to be metabolic conditioning. I just like the functional hybrid of strength and conditioning, but speed and agility, that’s awesome. 

How has Burn Boot Camp affected your personal life? 

Chantel: I think nutrition is a big one. Burn has affected my nutrition awareness, especially because I’ll have those Focus Meetings with Gabby or Leslie, and we’ll just talk through some of those goals. They’ve kind of opened windows to understanding nutrition in a different way than I had before. But again, we also like to hang out with them, too. So, hanging out with people outside of the gym is also another effect that we’ve had. 

Vince: Yeah! And to add to that nutrition piece, Chantel’s super disciplined and I definitely follow her example with nutrition because it’s something we’re both interested in. Going back to the familial aspect of being at the gym together, I think it’s certainly motivated us both to be more aware of what we’re putting into our bodies and how it’s affecting performance when we come to the gym. I have to give her a big kudos for setting the standard with the nutrition piece because that’s been huge for us, just really getting into the details of that nutrition. 

How has Burn Boot Camp affected your personal life? 

Chantel: Nutrition is a big one. Burn has affected my nutrition awareness, especially because I’ll have Focus Meetings with Gabby or Leslie, and we’ll talk through some of those goals. They’ve opened windows to understanding nutrition in a different way than I had before. But again, we also like to hang out with them, too. So, hanging out with people outside of the gym is also another effect that we’ve had. 

Vince: Yeah! And to add to that nutrition piece, Chantel’s super disciplined, and I definitely follow her example with nutrition because it’s something we’re both interested in. Going back to the familial aspect of being at the gym together, I think it’s certainly motivated us both to be more aware of what we’re putting into our bodies and how it’s affecting performance when we come to the gym. I have to give her big kudos for setting the standard with the nutrition piece because that’s been huge for us, really getting into the details of that nutrition. 

What would you tell someone who is interested in trying Burn Boot Camp? 

Chantel: If somebody was interested in coming to Burn Boot Camp who hadn’t been, I would tell them to expect it to be very hard, but it’s also an opportunity to push yourself in a way that you probably haven’t. Also, do not let it bring you down if you’re looking around and you’re overwhelmed by other people’s performance. Just zero in on yourself, listen to your body, do what you can, and don’t feel bad about what you can’t because that’s just going to give you a starting point. Over time, you’ll reach those goals, and then you’ll feel proud of yourself at the end of it. So don’t let yourself get in your own way – would be the main one. 

Vince: For me, if I was going to give advice to someone to join Burn, I think measuring the expectations is important, like Chantel said, but also knowing that you’re coming into a community where there’s no judgment. That is huge. You don’t have to play this comparison game because of what you alluded to earlier. Everyone is in all shapes and sizes, all different ability levels, and has different goals. So, take your time. I don’t think there’s a time period that you have to try to commit to, because again, that’s going to be different for everyone as well. It’s just a matter of taking it slow and understanding that the results won’t be immediate, but if you’re consistent, then they’ll come. I think we both can attest to that coming here. We’ve been coming consistently and committing to it, and measuring our expectations has helped. 

What does “two claps” mean to you? 

Vince: It’s part of this practice or collective experience. We’ve opened the workout with a warmup and we’re all like, “Oh my gosh, here we go.” And then the two claps for me just means we all did this together at different speeds, different ability levels, but we’re closing out this day’s workout together because we all made it through. 

Chantel: Yeah, pretty much. I feel like it’s about teamwork. You don’t normally end a class like that with anybody, like any other place that I’ve ever been to. You just end it, and everybody just goes their own way. But I think having the two claps, one sounds great, and it feels like a celebration, but also it feels like teamwork. Like we did it together. 

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