Five Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Fitness Journey - Burn Boot Camp
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Five Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Fitness Journey

April 25, 2023

Tips From Burn Boot Camp’s Director of Fitness, Matt Morris

Starting a fitness journey can be a daunting task for many people. With so much information available online, it can be difficult to know where to start and what advice to follow. As someone who has been on a fitness journey for a while, I can tell you that there are several things I wish I knew when I first started.

Your knowledge and your physical appearance are not directly proportional

When I started my fitness journey, I thought that the more ripped and lean I looked, the more knowledgeable I was about fitness. However, I soon realized that this was not the case. You can have less than 10% body fat and still not know much about fitness. Your physical appearance does not equate to your knowledge, so don’t judge a book by its cover.

Aesthetics should not be the only goal

When we start working out, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of a perfect physique. We want six-pack abs, toned arms, and a chiseled chest. However, it’s important to remember that aesthetics are a zero-sum game. Trying to maintain an extremely low body fat percentage all year round could be hurting your overall health more than helping it. Having some body fat is actually good for you, as it can provide energy and insulation.

Proper weightlifting techniques are more important than lifting heavy weights

When I first started lifting weights, I was obsessed with how much weight I could lift. I thought that the more weight I could lift, the better my results would be. However, I soon learned that proper weightlifting technique is more important than lifting heavy weights. Focusing on proper form, a proximity to failure each set, and less volume can lead to better results and fewer aches and pains.

Creatine is underrated, and protein timing is overrated

When it comes to supplements, there is a lot of conflicting information online. However, I have found that creatine is underrated, and protein timing is overrated. Start taking 5 grams per day of creatine now, as it has been shown to improve strength and muscle mass. Stop worrying about when you consume protein in a day and focus on getting 1 gram per bodyweight a day.

Consistency is key

One of the most important things I wish I knew when I started my fitness journey is that consistency is key. You can’t expect one workout to achieve your goals. Training is about being able to train for your entire life, and it’s the collection of workouts over time that will help you achieve your goals. Don’t waste mental energy if a workout wasn’t the best of all time. Just stay consistent and take the bad with the good ones.

Starting a fitness journey can be overwhelming, but these insights can help you stay focused and on track. Remember, your physical appearance does not equate to your knowledge, aesthetics should not be the only goal, proper weightlifting technique is more important than lifting heavy weights, creatine is underrated, and consistency is key. With these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to achieving your fitness goals.

Head to my Instagram post about this topic and tag me with any questions!

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